Wareham Town Band is a community wind band that plays at a wide variety of events throughout the year. Our music is widely varied and chosen to suit the occasion and the available players.

The Committee.

Chairperson: Claire Bolton.

Musical Director: Stuart Rodgers.

Deputy Musical Director: Len Idle.

Treasurer: Gayle Meacham

Secretary: Heidi Banks.

Bookings Secretary: Nicky Gilbride.

Librarians: Len Idle and Heidi Banks.

Brenda Rodgers.


The band rehearses, most weeks of the year, on Thursday evenings from 7-30pm to 9-30pm in the United Reformed Church, Church Street, Wareham BH20 4HH

Wareham Town Band’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Wareham Town Band Policy for the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults 2016